Here you can find statistics of the TOA lightning detection station Felixdorf.
Some information about the GPS receiver, which is used for receiving the exact time an position. If known, the antenna bearings are also displayed (red, green).
Here you can see the whole stroke count per hours detected by the lightning network, the count of detected strokes/h of the station Felixdorf and the mean stroke count for all stations
The count of received signals per hour of the station Felixdorf and also mean value of all stations.
Stroke and locating ratios are important parameters for the correct adjustment
of the station. Calculations:
locating ratio = (detected strokes of the station) / (signals of the station)
stroke ratio = (detected strokes of the station) / (network stroke count)
Overview about the own locating ratio over distance from stations. Whole stroke count over distance is also visible.
Own locating ratio over the geographic direction. For better comparision, there is also the whole stroke count visible.
The bearing of the antennas can be detected automatically by MyLightningDetection. This is useful for determining the polarity of a stroke (very experimental!).